“Natural Gas is widely expected to be the fastest growing primary energy source in the world over the next 25 years.” Energy Information Administration says.
In the November issue of Marine Money, we will publish analysis of the LNG Market, the implications for shipping, the world fleet and order book and a whole lot more about what we think is an exciting area of maritime project finance.
Bjorn Q. Aaserod appears to have sold his stake in Navigator Gas Transport to Cryofin Group of Italy, which through its ownership of Artic Gas was a fellow shareholder in Navigator Gas Transport. Cryofin maintains that it has entered into an agreement with Jiangian Shipyard in China to build 5 more ethylene carriers and claim to have 90% finance for 12 years from the Chinese export bank. Cryofin hopes to corner the market for LPG/Ethylene/Chemical markets. The shares which will ostensibly go to Artic were the same shares that were supposedly sold to Phoenix several months ago.
This is only an excerpt of Freshly Minted – August 19, 1999
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