At which shipowner’s summer house was a party hosted in June at which guests were required to wear a shagadelic outfit a la Austin Powers:
1. Fred Cheng
2. Richard du Moulin
3. Kalid Hashim
4. Paul Slater
5. C.H. Tung
6. John Fredrikson
7. Sammy Ofer
8. Capt. Tsakos
9. Bjorn Aaserod
10. Guy Morel
Please e-mail us back with your choice. Winners will be placed into a pool and 2 names will be drawn. The prize will be your choice of a free delegate pass to either;
1. the Ship Finance Forum Greece, which will be held at the Intercon. Hotel in Athens on October 21st or
(2) the Ferry Financing Forum, which will be held at the New York Yacht Club on October 20th.
* Pretty busy considering it’s the end of July.
* Heavy week of pricing, $3.5 billion got done, $2.5 billion to go
* Total of 15 deals expected to price this week
* Most deals pricing 50 bps wide of talk
* Inflows of $204 million into high yield funds
* Nine new deals priced last week
* 2 deals were withdrawn or postponed
Greenspan’ s continued testimony continued today
o Lazards reports secondary market is “sloppy and illiquid because of weakness in the broader equity and treasury markets.
This is only an excerpt of Freshly Minted – JULY 29th, 1999
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