By Kevin Oates
Being a shipowner these days is not only about operating ships and playing the asset game – buying cheap and selling expensive. The modern-day, sophisticated shipping company wants a bit more than this – it wants to control or rather manoeuvre the operating risk either by locking into long-term employment arrangements with quality charterers or better still control the cargos the ships will carry. However it is not the expertise sector of the shipowner to negotiate, control and activate these cargo contracts and Contracts of Affreightments which are in the hands of only a few major commodity traders.
If you have been working for a number of years, together with colleagues, with a major commodity trading house for which you have made a lot of earnings, but you feel trapped by the inflexibility of the organisation, and perhaps frustrated by the confinements of personal reward, then why not take the experience and contacts to a new principal who will re-write the rules of engagement.
Bring the sophisticated shipowners and operators and the experienced manpower together and what do we have – SWISSMARINE Services SA. Set up in early 2001 Swissmarine is a company majority owned by a shipowning group, and staffed exclusively by experienced commodity traders. The result being that in nine months of 2001 over 17 million tonnes of cargo was shifted, in 2002 over 39 million tonnes and in 2003 the target is over 50 million tonnes.
This is only an excerpt of Added Value of SWISSMARINE
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Tags: · Alistair MacLuskie, Frank Schinkel, Ned Metaxa, Peter Weernink, Robert Mensing, SwissMarine
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