Each month it seems that, even if we did not try to accomplish such, Marine Money has an underlying theme. In fact this Editor does not even like themes too much: try to concentrate too much on one subject and one lacks the broad perspective to be creative within a single subject. This particularly applies to shipping where everything overlaps: everyone knows everybody, shipyards build many types of vessels, ports handle many types of cargoes, brokers have clients big and small, owners often have diversified fleets and all in the industry have to make huge, empirically and subjectively, decisions to stay afloat, excuse the industry pun.
No other image can be more representative of the scope of shipping decisions than Loews/Papachristidis taking delivery of four ULCCs this year, the first of which was delivered this March. Pictured on the cover, we covered the ULCC market in the March 28th Freshly Minted (our weekly online service).
This is only an excerpt of From the Editor: BIG DECISIONS
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Tags: · From the Editor, Marine Money Tanker Index
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